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Thee Studio

/ðiː ˈstudiˌoʊ/

Thee Studio



I teach in the Milwaukee, WI, downtown area and virtually from wherever you are in English or Spanish. I work on Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, French, and English repertoire.

I focus on empowering individual artists and their vocal instruments by cultivating the pillars of singing and performing:

Breathing ● Support ● Phonation
Diction ● Style ● Interpretation

While my expertise is mainly in classical singing, my approach to singing and performing is applicable to all sorts of styles.

I’m offering a 20-minute free virtual consultation for a limited time!


About me…
Singing is a natural and essential human act that must be openly expressed. Throughout the more than ten years I’ve been performing professionally, I’ve discovered that Clarity, Assertiveness, Theatricality, and Honesty are the keys to powerful singing. These pillars of my artistry have successfully accompanied me on the operatic stages of the Lyric Opera of Chicago, The Florentine Opera, Madison Opera, and Milwaukee Opera Theatre, among many others, and in vocal ensembles such as the Junges Stuttgarter Bach Ensemble, the Weimar Bach Cantata Academy Chorus, the Oregon Bach Festival Chorus, and Breath Collective’s The Union. Since these principles have provided continuous growth in my journey, I can’t help but encourage others to incorporate CATH in their own artistic journey. Whether you’re just starting, singing for fun, or on a professional track, we will always part from Clarity, Assertiveness, Theatricality, and Honesty in our lessons and coaching, regardless of style! The best part is that these pillars, just like singing, are naturally and essentially human; we just need to find them in ourselves and develop them.

Now, what you can expect from our work together…
Our voice lessons are based on developing and strengthening technical fundamentals, such as breathing, support, and phonation, and how to incorporate them into your desired repertoire appropriately. Vocal coaching is focused on exploring and enhancing your artistry through style and language. I know first-hand how our native languages and cultures provide us with a whole spectrum of vocal models that, believe it or not, influence our singing and our grasp of other languages. This is why I consider your background when approaching vocal technique and foreign languages. In addition to Clarity, Assertiveness, Theatricality, and Honesty, treading with openness, curiosity, and experimentation during our lessons and coaching will lead us to vocal development and enjoyment.

I specialize in Spanish, German, and Russian repertoire but also love working on Italian and French repertoire. My focus is on the proper standard production of languages to then adapt it to the sung voice, and a pair of trained ears is essential to carry through this complex task. I’m a lifelong student of languages, phonetics, and singing, so you can count on my expertise to help you grow. I’m on your team!

You can also count on me for language coaching for choral ensembles. Some choral works I’ve coached include Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, with the San Juan Philharmonic Chorale, and competition repertoire with Coralia of the University of Puerto Rico. As an avid ensemble performer, I know how important it is for ensemble singers to have a secure grasp on diction, match vowels, and feel supported during the rehearsal process. We can tackle individual artists’ and ensemble needs together to achieve the idiomatic sound in the target languages that conductors and audience members seek.


Contact me to talk about your goals, scheduling, and more!